The world's first hydrogen-powered commercial passenger ferry will start operating on San Francisco Bay as part of plans to phase out diesel-powered vessels and reduce planet-warming carbon emissions, California officials said Friday, demonstrating the ship.... Read more
A simulator study shows the presence of a passenger can improve drivers' focus on the road and help them to decide when manual control is needed in self-driving vehicles, but taking back control is still difficult.... Read more
A battery component innovation could help keep power delivery high when electric aircraft land with low charge, according to a study led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with expertise from the University of Michigan.... Read more
In January, Alaska Airlines flight 1282 nearly fell out of the sky when it lost a door plug at an altitude of more than 10,000ft, leading to rapid decompression of the main cabin of the plane.... Read more
The possibility of hydrogen-powered flight means greater opportunities for fossil-free travel, and the technological advances to make this happen are moving fast. New studies from Chalmers University of Technology, in Sweden, show that almost all air travel within a 750-mile radius (1,200 km) could be made with hydrogen-powered aircraft by... Read more
Have you ever walked or ridden a bike along a street, and thought to yourself, "Gosh, it's noisy," or "This feels unpleasant?" Odds are you were on a stroad.... Read more
As container ships the size of city blocks cross the oceans to deliver cargo, their huge diesel engines emit large quantities of air pollutants that drive climate change and have human health impacts. It has been estimated that maritime shipping accounts for almost 3% of global carbon dioxide emissions and... Read more
For decades, states have relied on gas taxes to provide much of the money to maintain roads and bridges. But as cars become more fuel efficient, and some Americans switch to electric vehicles, state leaders say the gas tax won't pay the bills for much longer.... Read more
A research team has recently demonstrated a single-crystal synthesis technology that significantly extends the lifespan of cathode materials for electric vehicles. This research was published in the online edition of ACS Materials & Interfaces, an international journal in the materials science field.... Read more
Anyone who has ever been stuck in gridlock while driving over Kelowna's William R. Bennett Bridge or any Okanagan community can appreciate the thought that there has to be a better alternative than Highway 97 to navigate the busy corridor.... Read more
Chinese auto sales slumped in June as the domestic economy remained sluggish, but buoyant exports offset the decline at home, an industry association said Wednesday.... Read more
Toyota says it's investing in Ionna, teaming with seven other automakers to support the company's implementation of its charging network for battery electric vehicles across North America.... Read more
While not yet on the market, fully autonomous vehicles are promoted as a way to make road travel dramatically safer, but a recent study found that knowing more about them did not improve people's perception of their risk. They needed to have more trust in them too.... Read more
During a major storm event that eventually cut power to tens of thousands of homes, a fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) were able to feed power back into Australia's electricity grid, according to a new report from The Australian National University (ANU).... Read more
A driverless ride-hailing car in China hit a pedestrian, and people on social media are taking the carmaker's side, because the person was reportedly crossing against the light.... Read more